This website is the property of Datail Technologies S.L., with Tax ID number B70610514 and registered office at Calle Betanzos, 2 1ºizq, 15004 A Coruña, registered in the Mercantile Registry of A Coruña, in the volume 3.172, sheet 187, page number C-59.199.
If you need to contact us by email to the following address, or by phone, calling to the number (+34) 910 053 989.
This website is subject to the Spanish and the European Union regulations. Any person accessing or using this website shall be subject to these regulations regardless of his/her nationality.
The access of our website is free and conditional to the previous reading and full acceptance, without reservation or exclusion, of this legal notice, which we ask you to read carefully. By using our website, its contents or services, the User accepts and expressly agrees to submit to this legal notice and the general terms and conditions of use. As User, if you do not fully agree with these general terms and conditions of use, you must refrain from using this website.
Datail Technologies S.L. may, at any time and without prior notice, modify the presentation and configuration of this website, increase or reduce services, or even erase the website from the Internet and suspend all services, all unilaterally and without prior notice.
All content, texts, images, trademarks and source code are the property of Datail Technologies S.L. or third parties from which Datail Technologies S.L. has obtained the right to exploit them and are protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights.
The User only has the right to use them for individual and non-profit purposes. The User cannot modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute or exercise any other right belonging to Datail Technologies S.L. without its prior authorization.
The access to our website is free and does not require any previous subscription or registration.
The User shall expressly accept our privacy policy, by clicking the confirmation box, before sending his/her personal data.
The User shall access our website respecting the principles of god faith, the rules of public policy and these general conditions of use. The access to our website is carried out under the sole responsibility of the User who shall be liable for the damages of any nature he/she may cause to any third party or to Datail Technologies Sociedad Limitada.
The User is aware and accepts that Datail Technologies Sociedad Limitada does not own or control the information, content and/or services that other websites may host and to which the User may access from our website. Datail Technologies Sociedad Limitada will not be liable for any damage the User may suffer from the access or use of any website not owned by our company.
By accepting this legal notice, the Client, through its administrator, is authorized to send invitations to other users linked to the client, service providers or external partners, so they can access to Datail platform. Once the invitation is accepted, the new user shall expressly accept these conditions of use and legal notice prior to administer their own data.
We have built this website to offer you a quality service, doing our best and using the most reliable technology. However, we cannot be held liable for the presence of viruses or any other element that may harm the Users’ computers or systems.
The availability of the service is not guaranteed to be uninterrupted.
The user is prohibited from taking any action on our website which may excessively overload our systems, introduce viruses, install bots or software that may alter the normal functioning of our website, or can cause harm to our computer systems.
The user assumes all liability resulting from the use of our website, and acknowledges that he/she has understood all the information regarding the conditions of use of this website, which is enough to exclude any misunderstanding, and, as a consequence, he/she fully accepts them.